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Mar 14

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Laura Murphy

Employee arrested after payroll theft

UK supermarket giant, Morrisons have hit the headlines over the last week after it was discovered that payroll data belonging to over 100,000 of its 131,000 strong workforce had been stolen by a member of staff.

The information which includes bank details was published online and sent on a disc to a UK newspaper.
The supermarket has confirmed that the information has been removed from the internet and also that no customer details had been accessed by the thief. They’ve also reassured the affected employees that they will not be “financially disadvantaged” as a result of the crime.

The case highlights the risks employers face with regards to confidential information being leaked. It emphasises the need for employers to take proactive steps in protecting their data. It may not be possible for every employer to implement complex data security systems, but at a minimum, employers need to have confidentiality policies in place that prohibit employees from disclosing confidential data. Internet, email, social media and telecommunication policies will also clarify what is expected behaviour for employees across these mediums. Having robust policies in place will enable employers to take appropriate action where inappropriate behaviour occurs.

See also our blog “What to do if you suspect an employee of stealing”.

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Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Posted in Company Handbook, Employee Theft, Staff Handbook