Contract of Employment and Staff Handbook Software

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What is it?

Bright Contracts is a software package that has everything you need to create and manage a professional staff handbook and contracts of employment. Getting these in place has traditionally been an expensive, complicated and time-consuming process. Bright Contracts makes it quick and easy.

Why should I use it?

Without employee contracts in place, an employer is risking large settlements in the case of staff disputes, and fines in the case of regulatory inspections. Having contracts also clearly defines the contractual relationship between you and your employees. Bright Contracts is the easiest way to get sorted.

How much does it cost?

Single employer, unlimited employees €249
Multiple employers, unlimited employees €349
Phone/email support Free

Price is per user and subject to VAT. Price covers 12 months full use from date of activation.


Let us show you around the software’s functionality and how to create and customise your personal contracts of employment and company handbook.
To book an online demo click here


Watch our video

Under the Employment Act 2019, it is now a criminal offence for employers not to have contracts of employment in place for their staff. Watch our 2 minute video to find out how Bright Contracts can help.


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Feature Packed Software

Bright Contracts is teeming with useful functionality, from the obvious to the obscure. Yet it delivers it all in a neat, easy to use package. You'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Unlimited Employees

Bright Contracts does not set a limit on the number of employees you can add. And there are no confusing price brackets that depend on the number of employees you have.

Create Your Staff Handbook

Use the suggested content or customise it to your needs. Add pre-defined sections or add your own proprietary sections. Re-arrange as required.

Create Employment Contracts

Create a contract for each employee and record when they are signed. Archive old contracts. Base one contract on another for rapid creation.

Styles, Fonts, Colours

With full control over cover pages, logos, headers, footers, fonts, colours, and more, you can ensure your documents match your corporate identity, or just simply make them look how you want.

Document Previewing

Before you print a handbook or contract, you can see an accurate on-screen preview of how it will look on page. Scroll, zoom and pan controls make it simple and flexible.

Keeping Track

An employee is flagged red if he or she does not have a handbook or contract. An employee is flagged amber if he or she has an out of date handbook or soon to expire contract.

At a Glance

The summary screen gives you an overview of handbooks in use, recent handbook updates, who does and doesn't have a handbook, and who does and doesn't have a current signed contract.

Guidance and Tips

Not everyone is an employment law expert. If you're not sure what to enter for a certain field, or you're not 100% sure what something means, click the handy tip icon for an inline explanation.

Always Up To Date

Employment law legislation changes over time. When it does, and the Bright Contracts handbook or contract template changes, you'll be made aware of the adjustment, which you can accept with a single click.

Bureau Version

Expand the services you offer or add a new revenue stream to your business wih the Bureau version of Bright Contracts, which allows you to create handbooks and contracts for unlimited employers and employees.

Industry Customisation

Bright Contracts partners with professional bodies and groups to create bespoke contracts and handbooks. Industry customisation is an excellent value added member offering for any professional group. 

Latest from the Blog.

May 24

Posted by
Gemma Pontson

€1,000 Lesson on Fair Dismissal Procedures

In this recent case, the complainant’s former employer was ordered to pay €1,000 compensation due to the dismissal process followed – and the amount could have been much higher...


The complainant, Mr Grzegorz Grygier, started employment with Ideal Fire Limited in January 2022. He passed his 6-month probation on time and no concerns had been raised about his performance before he was invited to a meeting with Mr Ray Dooley, Company Director, in January 2023. During this meeting, Mr Grygier’s employment was terminated. The reason given was performance, due to an issue with a gas suppression system.

During the WRC hearing, Mr Dooley confirmed that no formal investigation had occurred, or a Disciplinary hearing, and he had not raised any issues with the complainant prior to the dismissal meeting.

Training records appeared to show only a limited amount of training, which may not have included gas suppression systems, and there had been no negative consequences to the company due to the incident.

The company representative confirmed the dismissal was due to the gas suppression system, but later it was suggested that the reason was instead due to an absence incident. No process had been followed regarding this absence, and it had not been referenced during the dismissal meeting.

WRC Decision

The WRC Adjudication Officer concluded that no investigation or Disciplinary process had been followed, the complainant was not given the opportunity to state his case, and he was not afforded the right to representation. Therefore, she found the dismissal to be procedurally unfair. The complainant’s case succeeded.

Following the Unfair Dismissal finding, the Adjudication Officer considered the amount of compensation to be ordered. The complainant had found employment a week after his notice period expired, and this new job included a higher rate of pay. The Adjudication Officer decided that the Respondent should pay €1,000 in compensation. If the complainant had not been so successful in quickly obtaining a better paid role, the compensation ordered could have been considerably higher!

Takeaways for Employers

This case confirms the importance of following fair Disciplinary procedures. If a reasonable process had taken place, the sequence of events could have been very different, potentially avoiding a claim happening at all.

Bright Contracts clients have access to a comprehensive Employee Handbook, including a template Disciplinary Policy. Please contact us if you would like more information.

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